

class metricq.Timestamp(nanoseconds)

A MetricQ Timestamp

nanoseconds : int

number of nanoseconds elapsed since the UNIX epoch


Return the timestamp delta in the future (or in the past, if delta is negative), relative to a Timestamp instance.

>>> epoch = Timestamp(0)
>>> a_week_later = epoch + Timedelta.from_string("7 days")
>>> str(a_week_later)
'[604800000000000] 1970-01-08 01:00:00+01:00'
delta : Timedelta

a time duration, possibly negative

Return type:





Check whether two Timestamps refer to the same instance of time:

>>> now = Timestamp.now()
>>> later = now + Timedelta.from_s(10)
>>> now == later
other : object

another timestamp

Return type:



Compare whether this timestamp describes a time before another timestamp.

>>> now = Timestamp.now()
>>> later = now + Timedelta.from_s(10)
>>> now < later

Together with __eq__(), all relational operations (<=, >, !=, etc.) are supported. Timestamps are totally ordered (as supplied by functools.total_ordering()).

other : Timestamp

another timestamp

Return type:



Yield a human-readable date-time string in the local timezone:

>>> # in UTC+01:00, it was already 1 in the night when the UNIX epoch happened
:rtype: :py:class:`str`
>>> str(Timestamp(0))
'[0] 1970-01-01 01:00:00+01:00'
classmethod ago(delta)

Return a timestamp delta in the past.

This is equivalent to:

Timestamp.now() - delta
delta : Timedelta

the time difference to now

Return type:


property datetime: datetime

Create an aware UTC datetime object

All MetricQ timestamps are POSIX timestamps, hence UTC.

classmethod from_datetime(dt)

Create a Timestamp from an aware datetime object. If you have a naive datetime object, consider using from_local_datetime() instead.

Return type:


classmethod from_iso8601(iso_string)

Create a Timestamp from a ISO 8601 date-time string.

>>> Timestamp.from_iso8601("1970-01-01T00:00:00.0Z") == Timestamp(0)

This is a convenience method that parses the date-time string into a datetime.datetime using dateutil.parser.isoparse(), and then calls from_datetime() to create a Timestamp from that.

The provided iso_string must include timezone information. To parse local time strings, you must convert them yourself and use from_local_datetime(). Or better yet, somehow create an aware datetime.datetime and use from_datetime().


The parser only supports up to 6 sub-second digits, further digits are simply dropped. If you need to parse timestamps with higher precision, you need to convert the string to nanoseconds yourself.

iso_string : str

a date-time string in ISO 8601 format including a timezone specifier.

Return type:


classmethod from_local_datetime(dt)

Create a timestamp from a naive datetime object that uses the local timezone. If you have a proper aware object, use from_datetime() instead.

This function uses dateutil.tz.gettz() which uses /etc/localtime. Using naive datetime object can be error-prone. Naive local times are ambiguous during daylight savings time adjustments. If you have to use this function, your workflow is probably broken.

Return type:


classmethod from_now(delta)

Return a timestamp delta in the future.

This is equivalent to:

Timestamp.now() + delta
delta : Timedelta

the time difference to now

Return type:


classmethod from_posix_seconds(seconds)

Create a Timestamp from a POSIX timestamp

seconds : float

number of seconds since the UNIX epoch

Return type:




classmethod now()

Return a Timestamp corresponding to “now”

Return type:




property posix: float

Number of seconds since the UNIX epoch

property posix_ms: float

Number of milliseconds since the UNIX epoch

property posix_ns: int

Number of nanoseconds since the UNIX epoch

property posix_us: float

Number of microseconds since the UNIX epoch

Timedeltas (Durations)

class metricq.Timedelta(nanoseconds)

A (possibly negative) duration of time

nanoseconds : int

duration in nanoseconds

Supported operations:




d1 + d2

the sum of the duration of d1 and d2 as a Timedelta object

d + dt

the combined duration of d and Timedelta.from_timedelta(dt) as a Timedelta object

d + t

a Timestamp offset by duration d (the same as t + d, see Timestamp.__add__)

d1 == d2

True if d1 and d2 describe the same duration of time

d == dt

True if d.datetime == dt (see datetime.timedelta)

d1 < d2

True if d1 is shorter than d2

d < dt

True if d.datetime < dt (see datetime.timedelta)

d * c

The duration scaled by the factor c, truncated to nanosecond precision See __mul__().

d / c

The duration divided by c, truncated to nanosecond precision. See __truediv__().

d // n

The duration divided by an integer factor n, truncated to nanosecond precision. See __floordiv__().

In addition to < and =, all other relational operations are supported and behave as you would expect. The type is hashable.


Divide a duration by an integer or another Timedelta.

>>> td = Timedelta.from_s(10) // 3
>>> td.s
:rtype: :py:data:`~typing.Union`\[:py:class:`~metricq.timeseries.timedelta.Timedelta`, :py:class:`int`]
>>> td.precise_string

This divides the number of nanoseconds in this duration by factor using Floor Division, i.e. for some n: int and td: Timedelta we have

>>> assert (td // n).ns == td.ns // n

Division by another Timedelta yields an integral result:

>>> assert Timedelta.from_s(10) // Timedelta.from_s(3) == 3


Floor Division produces surprising results for float arguments and is therefore not supported here (i.e. 3 // 0.2 == 14.0). Use __truediv__() if you want to scale a duration by a non-integer factor.


Scale a duration by a float factor.

Return type:



A string containing the number of seconds of this duration

Return type:


>>> "One day has {} seconds".format(Timedelta.from_string("1 day"))
'One day has 86400.0s seconds'

Divide a duration by a floating point or Timedelta.

Return type:

Union[Timedelta, float]

>>> (Timedelta.from_s(10) / 2.5).precise_string

This divides the number of nanoseconds in this duration by factor using True Division, but truncates the result to an int:

>>> assert (td / x).ns == int(td.ns / x)

where td: Timedelta and x: float.

Division by another Timedelta instead yields a float result.


Use __floordiv__() if you know that the divisor is an integer, this will prevent rounding errors.

staticmethod from_ms(milliseconds)

Create a duration from a number of milliseconds

milliseconds : float

number of milliseconds

Return type:



A Timedelta object

staticmethod from_s(seconds)

Create a duration from a number of seconds

seconds : float

number of seconds

Return type:



A Timedelta object

staticmethod from_string(duration_str)

Parse a human-readable string representation of a duration.

>>> "One day has {} seconds".format(Timedelta.from_string("1 day"))
'One day has 86400.0s seconds'
duration_str : str

A duration string in the form of “<number> <unit>”. Accepted units are:






"second", "seconds"



"millisecond", "milliseconds"



"microsecond", "microseconds"



"nanosecond", "nanoseconds"



"minute", "minutes"



"hour", "hours"



"day", "days"

Return type:



The parsed Timedelta object


ValueError – if the string is not of the correct format or an invalid unit was specified

staticmethod from_timedelta(delta)

Convert from a standard timedelta object.

delta : timedelta

a standard datetime.timedelta object

Return type:



A Timedelta object

staticmethod from_us(microseconds)

Create a duration from a number of microseconds

microseconds : float

number of microseconds

Return type:



A Timedelta object

property ms: float

Number of milliseconds in this duration

property ns: int

Number of nanoseconds in this duration

property precise_string: str

An exact string representation of the duration preserving all nanosecond digits. If possible, a human-readable string is returned, e.g. 100ms. The result of this can be parsed by from_string() without losing precision.

property s: float

Number of seconds in this duration

property timedelta: timedelta

This duration as a standard datetime.timedelta object

property us: float

Number of microseconds in this duration

Time-value pairs and aggregates

class metricq.TimeValue(timestamp, value)

A timestamp-value pair.

Unpack it like so:

>>> tv = TimeValue(Timestamp.now(), 42.0)
>>> (timestamp, value) = tv

returns a dict representing the TimeValue instance. Keys are timestamp and value :rtype: Dict[str, Any]

Deprecated since version 5.0.0: Use the individual properties instead and select an appropriate timestamp type.

timestamp: Timestamp
value: float
class metricq.TimeAggregate(timestamp, minimum, maximum, sum, count, integral_ns, active_time)

Summary of a metric’s values within a certain period of time.

timestamp: Timestamp

starting time of this aggregate

minimum: float

minimum value

maximum: float

maximum value

sum: float

sum of all values

count: int

total number of values

integral_ns: float

Integral of values in this aggregate over its active time, nanoseconds-based

active_time: Timedelta

time spanned by this aggregate

staticmethod from_proto(timestamp, proto)
Return type:


staticmethod from_value(timestamp, value)
Return type:


staticmethod from_value_pair(timestamp_before, timestamp, value)

Create a TimeAggregate from a pair of timestamps (class:Timestamp) and one value


NonMonotonicTimestamps – if the two timestamps are not strictly monotonic

Return type:


property integral_s: float

Integral of values in this aggregate over its active time, seconds-based

property mean: float

Mean value of this aggregate. This is the general way to access the mean value if nothing specific is known about the underlying raw data.

It may involve a heuristic to decide between mean_integral and mean_sum. Currently, it defaults to mean_integral.

property mean_integral: float

Mean value of this aggregate, calculated from the integral. Use this if you want to explicitly force this property.

In the HTA context, this should only be NaN if the aggregate interval is outside the of the interval from the earliest to the latest measurement point.

property mean_sum: float

Mean value of this aggregate, calculated from the sum. This can be useful when the underlying metric should be at regular intervals, but there are gaps in the data. Otherwise, mean_integral or just mean are more appropriate.

This value will be NaN if there are no raw data points in the aggregate interval.


returns a dict representing the TimeAggregate instance. Keys are timestamp, minimum, mean, maximum, and count. :rtype: Dict[str, Any]

Deprecated since version 5.0.0: Use the individual properties instead and chose between mean_integral and mean_sum based on your use-case

Helper types


alias of str


alias of dict[str, Any]

RPC handling


A Decorator to mark an async method as an RPC handler

function_tags : str

The names of the RPCs that this method should handle

Return type:

Callable[[Callable[..., Optional[Any]]], Callable[..., Optional[Any]]]


from metricq import Source, rpc_handler

class MySource(Source):


    async def on_config(self, **config):
        print(f"Received configuration: {config}")



This only has an effect on methods of classes implementing MetricQ clients (see Client), i.e. Sink, Source, IntervalSource, HistoryClient, etc.