This module defines custom Exception classes for MetricQ. In general, they are used for errors in the interaction with other agents. Contrary, misuse of the API generally yields specific built-in errors, i.e., TypeError, ValueError, and, KeyError. AssertionError / assert is only used for checking invariants within the library itself.
- exception metricq.exceptions.AgentStopped
The agent was stopped unexpectedly.
There is probably something wrong with the network.
- exception metricq.exceptions.ConnectFailed
The connection attempt of the agent failed.
- exception metricq.exceptions.HistoryError
The database replied with an error to a history request.
This could either be an issue with the request or of the database.
- exception metricq.exceptions.InvalidHistoryResponse(extra_message)
A response to a history request could not be decoded.
- exception metricq.exceptions.MessageError
Something is semantically wrong within a received message.
- exception metricq.exceptions.NonMonotonicTimestamps
Timestamps in a history response are not strictly monotonic.
- exception metricq.exceptions.PublishFailed
Publishing to an exchange failed unexpectedly.
The source exception is always attached as a cause.
- exception metricq.exceptions.RPCError
An RPC returned an error code.
This could be an issue with the input or on the other side.
- exception metricq.exceptions.ReceivedSignal(signal, *args)
The agent was stopped by a specific signal.
- exception metricq.exceptions.ReconnectTimeout
An agent reconnect timed out.
- exception metricq.exceptions.RemoteError
The remote has replied with an error.