Changelog ========= * :release:`1.8.3 <2023-02-08>` * :feature: Adds Dockerfile and automated build for docker images available on Docker Hub * :support:`-` Update :code:`metricq` dependency to 4.0.0 * :support:`-` Update :code:`python` dependency to 3.10 * :release:`1.8.2 <2022-02-14>` * :bug:`49` Fixes a bug where reconfiguring a check configuration at runtime did not update the overrides for existing checks. * :release:`1.8.1 <2021-07-23>` 39 * :support:`39` Improved log messages to aid debugging in production (see `#38 `_). * :release:`1.8.0 <2021-06-29>` * :feature:`34` Add a way to globally ignore a set of metrics via the :literal:`"overrides"` section in the configuration. See :ref:`the documentation` for more information. * :release:`1.7.1 <2021-06-15>` * :bug:`35` Fix a bug where reconfiguration of a check configuration at runtime would result in an error or misconfiguration. * :release:`1.7.0 <2021-06-08>` * :bug:`29 major` Fix a bug where checks would report a timeout error even after they were removed via dynamic reconfiguration. * :support:`33` Miscellaneous fixes and improvements * :feature:`27` (via :issue:`26`) Optionally use :code:`uvloop`-based event loop. To enable, install :code:`uvloop` directly, or the :code:`[uvloop]` extra (:code:`pip install 'metricq-sink-nsca[uvloop]'`). * :support:`-` Update :code:`metricq` dependency to 3.0.0 * :release:`1.6.2 <2021-05-06>` * :bug:`23` Ignore non-monotonous data points * :release:`1.6.1 <2021-03-23>` * :bug:`19` Update :code:`metricq` dependency to 2.0.0 * :release:`1.6.0 <2020-12-04>` * :support:`10` :code:`metricq-sink-nsca` is now `available on PyPI `_! * :bug:`9 major` Gracefully handle non-monotonic metrics * :feature:`6` Add Sphinx-based documentation, read it `here `_! * :feature:`3` Implement soft-fail post-processing for state changes * :feature:`1` Make parsing of DataChunks optional * :feature:`-` Add a dry-run mode (:code:`-n/--dry-run`) that does not call :code:`send_nsca` * :release:`1.5.0 <2020-05-12>` * :support:`-` Use :code:`send_nsca` CLI tool instead of python reimplementation (:code:`aionsca`) * :release:`1.4.0 <2020-02-05>` * :bug:`- major` Ignore :literal:`NaN` values from incoming datachunks * :release:`1.3.0 <2020-01-30>` * :feature:`-` Only restart checks whose configuration changed * :support:`-` Use stable :code:`metricq` version * :feature:`-` Add custom verbosity CLI option (:code:`-v foo=INFO,`) * :feature:`-` Make interval for re-sending check states configurable * :bug:`- major` Various bugfixes * :release:`1.2.0 <2019-09-11>` * :feature:`-` Add a basic plugin system * :release:`1.1.0 <2019-09-03>` * :bug:`- major` Throttle amount of reports sent to NSCA host * :release:`1.1.0 <2019-09-03>` * :feature:`-` Initial release